摘要:2008-2011年,在兴山县柑橘主产区设置8个“325”试验,以探索氮、磷、钾肥施肥效果。结果表明,氮肥的增产效果最好,平均增产9 316 kg/hm2,钾肥次之,平均增产6 417 kg/hm2,磷肥最低,氮、磷、钾肥农学效率分别为29.0、38.9、23.6 kg/kg。氮磷钾肥配施能一定程度上提高柑橘糖分。 关键词:柑橘;“325”肥料试验;农学效率;平衡施肥 中图分类号:S666.062 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)19-5091-03 DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2014.21.010 The Effects of Fertilization on Citrus in Xingshan County ZHOU Ji-wen1,CHEN Chang-Liang2, PENG Hong-Fa3,LI Shuang-Lai4,QIAO Yan4 1. Soil and Fertilizer Station of Xingshan County in Hubei Province, Xingshan 443700, Hubei, China; 2. Gufu Center of Agricultural Technology of Xingshan County in Hubei Province, Xingshan 443700, Hubei, China; 3. Nanyang Center of Agricultural Technology of Xingshan County in Hubei Province, Xingshan 443700, Hubei, China; 4. Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Fertilizer, Hubei Academy of Agriculture Science, Wuhan 430064, China) Abstract: In order to study the fertilization effects of nitrogen(N), phosphor (P), potassium (K) on citrus, 8 experiments were conducted at Xingshan county from 2008 to 2011. The results showed that N had the best increase of yield with 9 316 kg/hm2, followed by K with 9 316 kg/hm2. The agronomic efficiency of N, P, K were 29.0, 38.9 and 23.6 kg/kg, respectively. The balanced fertilization of N, P, K increased the content of sugar in citrus. Key words: citrus; 325 fertilizer experiment; agronomic efficiency; balanced fertilization 柑橘是兴山县最主要的经济作物,种植历史悠久,年种植面积5 000 hm2以上。核心期刊查询但同湖北省其他柑橘主产区一样,兴山柑橘施肥存在着一系列问题,如氮磷钾养分比例不协调、养分投入不均衡等[1,2],制约了兴山柑橘产业的进一步发展。为了科学指导柑橘合理施肥,提高柑橘产量、品质和经济效益,在国家测土配方施肥项目支持下,2008-2011年在兴山县柑橘主产区设置一系列施肥试验,以探索氮磷钾肥对柑橘产量、品质的影响。 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验地点及试验设计 |