摘要:以新鲜蕲春山药(Dioscorea opposita)为材料,采用微波膨化工艺,开发一种新型的山药脆片。通过分析比较,考察了山药片厚度、氯化钠溶液浓度、干燥时间、微波功率及膨化时间对山药脆片脆度和色度(b*值)的影响。结果表明,当山药片厚度为1.5 mm、氯化钠溶液的浓度为3%、70 ℃条件下干燥80 min、微波功率420 W、微波膨化时间60 s时,山药片的脆度值为6.917,色度(b*值)为13.62,介于最佳范围内。在此工艺条件下制得的山药脆片含水量为0.44%,总糖含量为14.11%,氨基酸含量为9.89%。所得到的山药脆片产品组织饱满、口感松脆、咸淡适中、颜色金黄、无焦化现象,具有山药的清香气味。 关键词:山药(Dioscorea opposita);微波;膨化 中图分类号:TS255.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)17-4126-04 Processing Technology of Puffing Yam Crisps with Microwave LIU Lu, LIAO Li, CHENG Wei, WANG Lan, WU Wen-jin, CHEN Xue-ling, DING An-zi, HE Jian-jun, SHI De-fang, GAO Hong, MEI Xia, QIAO Yu (Agricultural Products Processing Subcenter/Institute of Agricultural Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science, Wuhan 430064, China) Abstract: Using fresh Qichun yam (Dioscorea oposita) as materials, a new type of yam crisps was developed with microwave puffing technology. Through analysis and comparison, the factors affecting the pieces crispness and color of yam (b*value), including the thickness, the concentration of sodium chloride solution, drying time. microwave power and puffing time were investigated. The results showed that optimal conditions of puffing yam chisps with microwave were thickness of 1.5 mm, sodium chloride concentration of 3%, drying 80 min under 70 ℃, microwave power of 420 W and microwave puffing 60 s. Under these conditions, the brittleness of yam crisps was 6.917, the color(b*value) was 13.62, moisture content was 0.44%, the total sugar content was 14.11% and the amino acid content was 9.89%. The produced yam crisps were plump and tasted crunchy and nice. The yam crisps were golden yellow and had no coking, with special aroma of yam. Key words:yam(Dioscorea opposita);microwave;puffing 山药(Dioscorea opposita), 薯蓣科薯蓣属植物[1]。山药块茎中主要含淀粉、多糖(包括黏液质及糖蛋白)、游离氨基酸等营养物质。此外,还含有黏液质等活性成分,其中黏蛋白的氨基酸组成全面,人体必需氨基酸含量较高。山药因含有大量多糖,故表现出良好的调节或增强免疫功能、抗氧化、抗衰老及抗肿瘤功能及降血糖功能[2-6]。 与传统的膨化技术相比,微波膨化加工时间短,可最大限度地保存物料的营养成分,同时还可以克服传统油炸膨化含油量高、能耗大的缺点。但是目前市场上非油炸膨化果蔬脆片的种类还比较单一,特别是浆果类果蔬脆片国内外报道较少,远不能满足不同口味消费者的需求[7,8]。 本研究以新鲜蕲春山药为原料,采用微波膨化工艺制作山药脆片,研究了山药片厚度、氯化钠溶液浓度、干燥时间、微波功率及微波膨化时间等因素对微波膨化山药脆片加工工艺的影响,通过测定其质构特性、色度及感官评定确定其最佳加工工艺,旨在为山药产品的开发利用提供参考。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料与试剂 蕲春山药,购自湖北省蕲春县;氯化钠、无水碳酸钠、硼酸、蒽酮、氢氧化钠、浓硫酸、95%乙醇等均为分析纯。 1.2 主要仪器 TA-XT2型食品物性测定仪,HA-2312型简单色彩色差计,SH10A型快速水分活度测定仪,BS124S型分析天平,QP300型果蔬切片机,SDHS31-190型电磁炉,LX-800型微波炉,DHG-06-100B型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱,SP-752型紫外分光光度计,DF-101S型集热式恒温加热磁力搅拌器。 1.3 试验方法 1.3.1工艺流程 选料→清洗→去皮→切片→漂烫→氯化钠浸泡→烘干→膨化。 |